The Space Complexity of Sampling
Christian Engels August 28, 2021 [TCS]2021-07-22-CGZ-The Space Complexity of Sampling
paper GW-A Lower Bound for Sampling Disjoint Sets
- Explicit boolean function that cannot be computed by a width $2^{\Omega(n)}$ read-once branching program but can be easily sampled by ROBPs.
- An explicit boolean function such that any distribution by a width $2^{\Omega(n)}$ width ROBP has statistical distance $1/2-2^{-\Omega(n)}$ from the uniform distribution.
- Notice that sampling can be easier than computing.
- (x,XOR(x)) is hard to compute by AC0 circuits but (U,XOR(U)) where $U$ is the uniform distribution is easy to sample by AC0 circuits.
- Same but with distance to a good code.
- Asking questions similar to Viola20 answered but in the limited space model.
Proof Overview
- Two models:
- Complex Samplers:
- ROBPs without input where every vertex can have an arbitrary number of outputs.
- Every vertex has a distribution.
- Every edge is also denoted by a label $0,1$.
- The sampled output is taking a random walk (according to the distributions) and the concatenated labels.
- Complex Samplers and ROBP are equivalent up to small loss in parameters with same width restriction (for sampling).
- This is proven in Theorem 6
- Simple Samplers:
- Simple Samplers are Complex Samplers where the outgoing degree of every vertex is at most 2.
- Simple Samplers are the same as computing with ROBP (on uniform input distribution).
Example for Theorem 1
- Address function: Take input $x||a$ with $a=\log |x|$ and size $n=k+\log k$ and output $x_{\text{bin}^{-2}(a)}$.
- This function separates read-once and read-twice branching programs.
- Also separates simple and complex samplers.
- Simple samplers cannot the distribution $(U_n, address(U_n))$.
- Assume the width is $2^k-1$
- There is a single unique path for every output.
- At layer $V_k$ there must be two different sequences of bits $x,y\in {0,1}^k$ that lead to the same vertex $v\in V_k$.
- Because of the width restriction.
- But $x,y$ differ at some coordinate which could be exactly the width it produces.
- Complex Samplers can sample this distribution in width $O(n)$.
- It is a convex combination of $2k$ distributions.
- Fix such that $x_a\in {0,1}$.
- Now every distribution is easy, fix $a$ and the bit $x_a$ and draw everything else at random.
- Notice that the target distribution is uniformly drawn by first picking a distribution as above and then draw the distribution.
- Any collection of $2k$ distributions that can be sampled in width 1 can be sampled by width $2k$ in a complex sampler.
- Just have a deciding vertex at the start that samples uniformly these.
- As every vertex needs an output bit, contract the first two edges together.
GV - Pseudorandom Bits for Oblivious Branching Programs
- Questions:
- What if the address function is $a||x$ instead?
- Then the width is obviously maximal $n$.
- Notice that the following does not work.
- Sample the first bit $a_1$. If this is zero, sample $x_1,\dots,x_{k-1}$ bits independently
- Otherwise, sample $a_2$ and recurse.
- At every point we can sample $x_1,\dots,x_{k-1}$ independently and hence save.
- This gives us a skew binary tree which has still width $\Omega(2^d)$.
- It is unclear if a lower bound for any function exist that works for every order (not necessarily for address).
- The lower bound works by using the Computation equal to Simple Samplers argument.
- The Computation is actually a lower bound for oblivious read-k branching program.
- Oblivious, as in the ABP sense, i.e., the program has in every layer only one variable it reads and this does not depend on values it read so far.
- Nissan-Widgerson Generator seems to be, however, independent of the order.
- The Nissan-Widgerson Generator is about a Turing Machine that visits every cell at most $d$ times.
- An argument about the sequences shows the lower bound.
- What if the address function is $a||x$ instead?