Small Circuits Imply Efficient Arthur-Merlin Protocols
Christian Engels November 25, 2021 [TCS, Boolean Circuit Complexity]2021-08-30-DM-Small Circuits Imply Efficient Arthur-Merlin Protocols
Small Boolean Circuits
- $<x,y> = \sum_i x_i y_i \mod 2$ is the inner product function.
- It can be easily computed by constant depth circuits with $\oplus$ gates (AC$^0_\oplus$).
- What if we only allow $\oplus$ gates only at the bottom?
- If we do not allow $\oplus$ gates than showing a lower bound is easy.
- DNF of parities has also an exponential lower bound.
- Depth 3 circuits only have a weak quadratic lower bound.
- For arbitrary depth (AC$^0_\oplus$) and the number of parity gates is linear, a lower bound is known.
Communication Complexity
- Arthur-Merlin protocol where there is an all powerful prover and a verifier.
- AM Data Streaming Model (AM[$k$])
- Merlin sees the complete input.
- Verifier sees a stream and is space bounded.
- Phases:
- First phase: Verifier engages in a $k$-message public coin protocol with the prover, resulting in a transcript $\tau$.
- Second phase: Verifier works deterministically on the input as a stream and is allowed to look at $\tau$.
- Third phase: Verifier accepts or rejects.
- There exists a strategy for Merlin that convinces the verifier to accept true statements.
- No strategy makes the Verifier accept false statements.
- This also can work as a communication complexity protocol with the same bounds.
- If there exists a DNF of parities of size $s$ that computes the inner product function on $5/6+\epsilon$ fraction of the inputs for some constant $\epsilon$. Then there exists a AM[$k$] with $\tilde O(d)\log s$ proof length, space complexity and randomness complexity for every polynomial over $GF(2)$.
Holographic IP
- Verifier instead of having the input is given an encoding of the input, similar to PCP.
- Construct a protocol that works for most inputs.
- Prover picks sends an index to a satisfied clause. Verifier, verifies that this is correct.
- The size bound is $\log s$.
- However, large width DNF would be a problem.
- We can see DNF clauses as a system of linear equations. We now remove wide clauses but make sure that the rank of this system does not decrease.
- Notice that if the DNF is not fulfilled then there does not exist a single clause that is true. Hence the prover cannot prove this.
- Prover picks sends an index to a satisfied clause. Verifier, verifies that this is correct.
- To make this protocol work for all most inputs we want to use the equation $<x,y> = <x \oplus u,y\oplus v> \oplus <x\oplus u,v> \oplus <u,y\oplus v> \oplus <u,v>$.
- However, for this would need to verify zero cases too.
- A cheating prover cannot lie in the one cases but has to lie in the zero cases.
- We expect roughly equal amount of ones and zero cases of our equation.
- The Verifier will now ask for a couple of randomly chosen strings $u,v$, check the one claims and accepts the zero claims.
- Then it checks that the average value is close enough to the expected value.